Outstanding candidates are sought for student and post-doctoral opportunities in AMO physics, magnetometry and fundamental symmetry tests at the Helmholtz Institute/Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany.

Please contact Prof. Dmitry Budker budker@uni-mainz.de

Postdoctoral research opportunities are available in developing integrated nanophotonic architectures and devices for realizing compact, efficient, accurate and dynamic quantum AMO systems-on-a-chip. We develop scalable, reconfigurable, and integrable nanophotonic technologies to interface with a broad range of AMO systems including atomic vapors, and ensembles and individual cooled and trapped atoms in free space near photonic chip surfaces. Interfaces are based on highly-customized planar nanophotonics technologies and optical metasurface technologies that are designed to provide all optical fields necessary for implementing the major types of AMO systems on chip, such as miniaturized stable wavelength references, optical atomic clocks, quantum sensors, Rydberg atom RF imaging probes, quantum memories, and others. Integrated photonics design, modeling and testing experience is necessary. Hands-on microfabrication experience and/or atomic physics knowledge is a plus but not required. Researchers will play an active role in defining research directions in a highly collaborative environment. 

Postdoctoral research opportunities are immediately available, more senior research positions can be considered for highly qualified individuals. Appointment options through NIST or collaborating universities. 

Contact Vladimir Aksyuk vladimir.aksyuk@nist.gov.  

Instruments based on spectroscopy of atoms in the vapor phase, such as atomic clocks, atomic wavelength references, atom interferometers and atomic magnetometers, currently achieve outstanding levels of precision and sensitivity. However, most of these instruments are too large and complex to be operated easily outside the laboratory. Our group designs, builds and tests highly miniaturized versions of these instruments using innovative application of techniques of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS). Postdoctoral and PhD student positions are available for topics across the atomic devices and instrumentation research programme.

Contact John Kitching john.kitching@nist.gov 

Grant-Funded Researcher (A/B) – Institute for Photonics & Advanced Sensing (IPAS). This is a unique opportunity to join one of Australia’s most well-funded applied physics research groups with outstanding connections to end-users. If you have a passion to see your efforts translated into real-world devices then this is the position for you.The successful applicant will work as part of a large research team that is delivering a quantum magnetometer array for maritime deployment.The position will be appointed into one of Australia’s best funded research groups that is working at the leading edge of precision experimental physics.  You will work closely with a team of 5 people, in partnership with Defence, collectively developing a device that will have a high impact and public profile.  The project will be undertaken in the positive, supportive and ambitious environment that exists within the Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing (IPAS) at the University of Adelaide.

Read more and apply here.

PhD student and postdoctoral positions are available in the Atomic Quantum Optics group at ICFO, in Barcelona, Spain.  The current scope of our work includes: microfabricated optically pumped magnetometers for magnetoencephalography, fabrication of customized MEMS alkali-vapor cell, optically detected nuclear magnetic resonance and nuclear quadrupole resonance, cavity-enhanced and squeezing-enhanced magnetometry, theory of spin dynamics in atomic vapors.  Many projects are highly collaborative with the opportunity to work with partners at other institutes across Europe.  For further general information on fellowships and specific calls, please contact us at jobs@icfo.eu